Sunday, August 26, 2012

German-American Spotlight: Neil Armstrong

I had mentioned in a previous post that it was sad how little people know about Germans to the extent that they can't even name a German easily.  So, I wanted to help the world a little and provide a weekly series on German-Americans.  This is the first one on one of the greatest men to walk this planet and our moon: Neil Armstrong.

His heritage is similar to mine - German and Scottish (I've got some Irish/British too), but his life is far more impressive.  He was just shy of 39 when he became the first man to walk on the moon.  He was part of something that was not only critical for the United States at that time, but also the entire world.  He wasn't always an astronaut and worldwide hero though.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

A "Blanket" Apology

So, first thing - I need to extend an apology to anyone who has been reading this blog at all over the past half year.  I've basically dropped off the face of the earth this summer.  I hate making excuses, but I've been busy with my Princess duties (the blog about which has also been neglected), 2 jobs (I got a new job, yay!), and many things with friends and family and of course the 2 guys in my life (Spartacus and my boyfriend).  I do have some crafts with pictures to share.
I also apologize for the text and its size in this post.  I've tried editing it through html and the "compose" tab, but nothing will fix it.  If anyone knows how to fix it, I'd love some help!

I'm pretty sure I owe a bunch of craft things and about a week straight of "Musik Monday".  So, here's my promise:  Next week, there will be a new post each day, starting Monday for pseudo-Musik Mondays.  Also, by the time I start up with school again (Aug 20...way too soon), I'll post at least 1 crochet, 1 nail art, and 1 random craft - starting with this post.  It's clever title should give a hint.

Recently, a really good family friend (he's basically like a 2nd brother) and his wife had a baby.  I was fortunate enough to be invited to her baptism and the celebration after.  I knew I had to give my own gift even though my entire family was attending, so I figured that the best thing I could do was crochet.

I scoured the interwebs looking for an adorable, yet unique pattern for a baby blanket - something that a kid can use for a long time.  I came across a pattern for an alphabet baby blanket.  (Warning, the link will download the PDF of the pattern - it can also be found here under "Alpha Magic Afghan")  I took my sweet time from about mid-June, then when it was a week before the Baptism I knew I had to work fast.  I crocheted hours every night after work while going through the whole Once Upon a Time series (shameless plug for an awesome TV show).  I finally finished just in time! 

I'm so glad you can see the letters

*More after the jump*