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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

T-shirt Costume Tuesday #4 - Nudist on Strike

This is one of the easiest and most clever costumes.  It's great for last minute or for people who don't like too much of a costume and can be made in a variety of ways.  I used a sign for senior dress-up day (like a picket sign), and my guy made a shirt for his first Halloween costume.  All you need is the ability to write "Nudist on Strike" somewhere and use that as your costume.  The whole point is remaining clothed.

Not everyone will get it, but those who do will appreciate it.  My high school senior AP English teacher told me it was his favorite of all the senior costumes, and it took me less than half an hour to make.  So, if you're really looking for a good last minute costume, Nudist on Strike is a great one.

Waldo, Puss-in-Boots, and Nudist on Strike

Have fun with your costumes, whether they're made from t-shirts or anything else!

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